[SOLVED] Onbur events cause DOUBLE_CLIC on buttons !!! urgent


After update from v7 to V8, on some screens (control, grid and form) user needs to click twice to functions buttons !!!
example: validation button on control app, does not validate on first time click bu well on second time
when using calculator, I need to clock twice on al buttons ???

I found that when there is onbur event on a numeric fields with calculator, you have to click Twice in calculator !!!


This problem will be fixed in the next update.

Thank you!

ok now it has become a ridiculous thing.
I tried the updates from sc and found 5 updates, BUT HAVE NOT SOLVED !!!
when I change the value of a date field that has an ajax event onchange,
inserting and update does not work anymore !!!


Good morning,

This problem is a bug.
Our development team already was fixed this problem.
the fix will included in next release (8.00.0035).
I ask that you wait the release update.

best regard,
Netmake team

We lost several thosand dollars each day, because our Point of Sale developed in V7, converted to V8 and Updated to 34 release STOP FUNCTION, because of the AJAX bug, and the buttons bug… all the buttons are frozen…

So we are in a very very delicated situation… This is not an answer… its critical. several customers of yours have the same problem with the same answer… this is a fraud or what, we dont pay by releases… we pay by a product that… in simple words… DONT WORK. So… can we have our money back? and our loses can you afford it?

I repost if you don’t saw it.

This problem is a bug.
Our development team already was fixed this problem.
the fix will included in next release (8.00.0035).
I ask that you wait the release update.

And if you look into forum, there are other post where you can download the files who fix this problem. Never put on production without previous testing. This don’t have nothing to do with SC, is common sense.

When you updated from V7 to V8 034?

This issue has not affected me but I see all the complaints from around the 5th of March??? As this is not one of those issues that have to do with language difference, I’m wondering if the business decision makers at Netmake get to see customer feedback. You cannot hold release of a critical update simply because you want to batch along with other releases. Netmake: please change your approach to some of these things!

Hello everybody,

I shared yesterday files I received from sc bugs team for fixing those bugs see below :


So, the SC recommends that buy the product, and not to use in production environment? so SC sells products that need testing before… ok. Yes i know it about the files, but Hey this is not open source product, we pay for it… this is not the way of a seriuos company…

Example: I buy I car but hey!!.. dont use before testing it, dont use with your kids … but first pay for it… hey this is fraud, sorry, but this is the words for it… or leave to donation only… shareware or something… SC need to warranty this not the customer…

We updated the 9th of march… we testing and all working… but in the next weekend of the update appears, Version Obsolete… so we updated, and all stop function… We put a ticket and SC accept it, but only silence after some complaints… Sorry but your wrong…

[QUOTE=adrian.arreola;34516]So, the SC recommends that buy the product, and not to use in production environment? so SC sells products that need testing before… ok. Yes i know it about the files, but Hey this is not open source product, we pay for it… this is not the way of a seriuos company…

Example: I buy I car but hey!!.. dont use before testing it, dont use with your kids … but first pay for it… hey this is fraud, sorry, but this is the words for it… or leave to donation only… shareware or something… SC need to warranty this not the customer…

We updated the 9th of march… we testing and all working… but in the next weekend of the update appears, Version Obsolete… so we updated, and all stop function… We put a ticket and SC accept it, but only silence after some complaints… Sorry but your wrong…[/QUOTE]

Hi Adrian, I understand your situation, and just like you I have a problem but Giu also has a case here, IT best practices requires a lab for testing any update of any software before deploy to production, same goes for Windows, Linux, Oracle, SQL or whatever the software is.

Altho I’m with you about NetMake’s lack of commitment on their QA, to be honest in this particular case you are lacking QA as well… since you “rebuilt” your application and deployed it without testing, if your previous version was working and you simply deployed the new one without testing it first you have the same problem as NetMake.

You are right by saying this is wrong and I support most of your points regarding the flaws of NetMake support tem, but Adrian… at this point you are just being as crazy as they are.

My professional recommendation for you… take the patch, fix your application, stop losing money and apply what you’ve just learn today.


[QUOTE=kafecadm;34517]Hi Adrian, I understand your situation, and just like you I have a problem but Giu also has a case here, IT best practices requires a lab for testing any update of any software before deploy to production, same goes for Windows, Linux, Oracle, SQL or whatever the software is.

Altho I’m with you about NetMake’s lack of commitment on their QA, to be honest in this particular case you are lacking QA as well… since you “rebuilt” your application and deployed it without testing, if your previous version was working and you simply deployed the new one without testing it first you have the same problem as NetMake.

You are right by saying this is wrong and I support most of your points regarding the flaws of NetMake support tem, but Adrian… at this point you are just being as crazy as they are.

My professional recommendation for you… take the patch, fix your application, stop losing money and apply what you’ve just learn today.



So, the SC recommends that buy the product, and not to use in production environment?

No, NetMake don’t recommends anything. I’m recomending to you, thath test before go in production. You can take my suggestion, and learn from it, or throw to garbage, is your decision, but as kafecadm, if you update and don’t test before production, then you are having a problem with your quality control too.

SC sells products that need testing before

Not exactly what I mean. Read before.

Yes i know it about the files, but Hey this is not open source product, we pay for it… this is not the way of a seriuos company…

Last enviroment I was using, just release new versions every 4 months as general policy…every 2 with serious bugs. I understand your frustration, remember I’m a customer too and bugs affects to me too.

Example: I buy I car but hey!!.. dont use before testing it, dont use with your kids … but first pay for it… hey this is fraud, sorry, but this is the words for it… or leave to donation only… shareware or something…

Cars follows a lot of controls, and you can buy a car, start driving, and stops it in 200KM, or burn in fire, or a lot of things. Responsability of manufacturer is repair, and don’t retrieve money for it, but is not a fraud for this.

SC need to warranty this not the customer…

Sorry but not. You can complain against NetMake, but your customers will complain against you because you didn’t do the things correctly. If you don’t test your product before deploy to production, first is your fault, and then, is NetMakes fault.

We updated the 9th of march… we testing and all working… but in the next weekend of the update appears, Version Obsolete… so we updated, and all stop function…

And for this reason, counting since today, you will have backup before upgrade, and if something goes wrong, go backwards.

We put a ticket and SC accept it, but only silence after some complaints… Sorry but your wrong…

I’m not wrong, it’s the way how things works. NetMake is a company and are humans. Humans has errors. Like you have, me, and all here in this forums, but if you really have a soft where you retrieve thousands of dollars/day, and you deployed without testing, sorry for you, but you can’t just complain about NetMake, when you did the same.