[QUOTE=nacyil;31210]Hello Dave
Did you test this :
a numeric field with standard calculator and an Onbur ajax event on this field , open the calculator and you need to push twice on every button.
Hi Nac,
Yes, I just tried it with a new form, exactly as you specified, and I get the same failure as you do. The first click executes the onBlur (I get the “processing” message) the second click I get the number that I clicked on (WITHOUT any “processing” message). This happens both in Development and Production modes. I really do not believe that this has anything to do with CentOS since it is happening on my development server as well.
I would dig through the generated code and find the exact problem in the generated code and report it to NetMake, except that when I have done that in the past they have not implemented the fixes I have given them.