[SOLVED] Onbur events cause DOUBLE_CLIC on buttons !!! urgent


After update from v7 to V8, on some screens (control, grid and form) user needs to click twice to functions buttons !!!
example: validation button on control app, does not validate on first time click bu well on second time
when using calculator, I need to clock twice on al buttons ???

I found that when there is onbur event on a numeric fields with calculator, you have to click Twice in calculator !!!


Hello Nac,

I was able to reproduce the issue, but I’m not sure if this is really a bug. I will pass it on to our bugs/development team for further testing.


Afert update at 8.0.27 work for me

Hello Bartho

But with V7 there was no double-clic ??? It’s very difficult to explain that to my customers …



Any solution ???



Any solution ???


It’s very weird…did you tried to clear cache…scriptcase/tmp folder and regenerate all apps?

Yes Giu, but nothing change !!!

Maybe it’s because i’m on linux server Centos ???

[QUOTE=nacyil;31190]Yes Giu, but nothing change !!!

Maybe it’s because i’m on linux server Centos ???[/QUOTE]

I don’t think so. I think is more related to client side.
What browser are you using? Did you tried with other browser?

Yes with firfoxe it’s the same

It’s happend with a onajax_events , per example : a numeric field with standard calculator and an Onbur ajax event on this field , open the calculator and you need to push twice on every button.

[QUOTE=nacyil;31190]Yes Giu, but nothing change !!!

Maybe it’s because i’m on linux server Centos ???[/QUOTE]

No, I use CentOS 6.6 - with latest updates for all apps, and I do not see the problem.


Hello Dave

Did you test this :

a numeric field with standard calculator and an Onbur ajax event on this field , open the calculator and you need to push twice on every button.


[QUOTE=nacyil;31210]Hello Dave

Did you test this :

a numeric field with standard calculator and an Onbur ajax event on this field , open the calculator and you need to push twice on every button.


Hi Nac,

Yes, I just tried it with a new form, exactly as you specified, and I get the same failure as you do. The first click executes the onBlur (I get the “processing” message) the second click I get the number that I clicked on (WITHOUT any “processing” message). This happens both in Development and Production modes. I really do not believe that this has anything to do with CentOS since it is happening on my development server as well.

I would dig through the generated code and find the exact problem in the generated code and report it to NetMake, except that when I have done that in the past they have not implemented the fixes I have given them.


Thanks Dave for spelling time.

I don’t understand why bug team does not try a simple test ?? I wrote this bug a few days ago and I’m blocked with that by my customers !!!

There was no problem in version 7 !!!

Hello there

I don’t understand bug team, no answer, no solution !!!

In fact it’s easy to reproduce the bug :

create a numeric field with standard calculator and add an Onbur ajax event on this field , open the calculator and you need to push twice on every button.


Hello Nac,
this problem is not only for numeric fields.

I did one grid editable and if i click the pencil to edit row, ( non in modal form ) and i change value from select field i must click update icon two times
( tried on centos, windows, php 5.4 and 5.5 )

Netmake, please resolve this !!

You’re right Gianluca

The only answer is, delete tmp directory try again !!! amazing, we are losing time and money


I installed v8.0.0.28 but the bug is not solved as written in bugs.log !!!
we have to click TWICE when there is a ajax_events ONBUR on the field :frowning:

is very easy to test that, I’m waiting a solution for my customers !!! it’s very urgent now


This is reported and discussed in at least two other threads:



So, what can we possibly do? Already emails have been sent, with no response. Several new releases do not fix the problem.
Why is the attention from NetMake so good when it applies to sales, but so poor when it applies to support?


Hello everyone,

This issue has been acknowledged by our development team and the fix should be out on our next release.


Hello Bernhard

It must be released now because we are blocked !!!
