What I tried to explain is…the new behaviour has more sense for me, then yes, it’s a “bug” because it works differently than before, but for me is more interesting now, then… for me, it’s not a bug, but a feature.
Also note that because of this bug, I think that when you select some records, the onRecord loop will be executed +1 times that the amount of records you selected.
That’s why even on zero records it will be run once (0 selected records +1 extra loop due to the bug = 1)
You’ll likely not notice any effect, but only because on this extra loop you won’t be able to retrieve any records data as the values will be empty.
Don’t know, I didn’t tried, but is fast to check of how many times onRecord is fired.
But yes, obviously, “fixed” as a bug or new feature, should be clear in changelog and not as this:
ScriptCase v8.0.028 - 01-21-2015 22:53
Fixed Javascript problem when using the Run button.