[SOLVED] Please solve the problem version 8.1.040 Ajax event not working

After updating to version 8.1.040 is not working ajax event to fill in the text field.

this query on Ajax Event that used to work does not work now:
$query=“SELECT mu.codice, mu.codfurgdefault FROM mio_utenti mu
WHERE mu.codice={CodOperatore}”;

Wich type of application? Wich event? I did a quick test and work as expected with this code.

Control App. onBlur event.

$qry = 'SELECT name from products WHERE id=' . {a};
sc_lookup(arr_prod, $qry);

{b} = {arr_prod[0][0]};

even with your syntax does not work.

Wich type of application? Wich event? Are you sure your qry returns data? Did you tried to debug vars and final qry?

understood the problem. After updating to version 8.1.040.
l 'ajax event of a FORM does not assign the value to a select type field.


It is very probable that the fix for this false problem also solve any issues related to Ajax events.

could you please update as soon as the false error ??


Please, update your ScriptCase to release 8.1.041 and let us know if the problem persists.


I am having similar problems text auto-complete (ajax events) where other fields are not being filled in based on input. I am version [SIZE=12px]8.1.041. Older forms are still working perfectly. Those created in 8.1.040 not working.



Hallo Again,

Kindly note that this problem is resolved.

Matter of fact it was (in my case) field reference wrong spelling; {ptrans_item_id} instead of {prtrans_item_id} which was obviously returning empty dataset.

My sincere apologies.

