[SOLVED]Problem with PDF

j’ai une application qui se trouve sur un site en HTTPS. Lorsque je fait une ?dition PDF, j’ai un message (404 - Not Found) sur mon PDF.
Voila le contenu du fichier “scriptcase/tmp/xxxxx.log”. On voit dans ce fichier l’URL du html qui pointe sur HTTP. Il me semble qu’il devrait y avoir un HTTPS ???

./wkhtmltopdf-amd64 --page-size A4 --orientation Portrait http://secure.leschartreux.com/scriptcase/tmp/sc_form_utilisateur_html_9h3kntll6ka16j0vtn9rv2i6o7.html /var/www/scriptcase/tmp/sc_pdf_20130429204124_46form_utilisateur.pdf

Merci pour votre r?ponse.


Google traduction :

I have an application that is on a HTTPS site. When I made ​​a PDF edition, I have a message (404 - Not Found) on my PDF.
Here is the content of “scriptcase / tmp / xxxxx.log” file. We see this in the URL of the html file that points to HTTP. It seems to me that there should be an HTTPS ???

Problem PDF Linux 64bits

./wkhtmltopdf-amd64 xxxxxxxx

I have the same problem in my Production server Https…
but on my development server works perfectly.!

Error ?



Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

SOLVED bug wkhtmltopdf " linux-amd64"


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]

  1. download : https://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/downloads/detail?name=wkhtmltopdf-0.9.9-static-amd64.tar.bz2

2 ) unzip

  1. upload to “hostname”/_lib/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64

  2. Apply Permision 755
    “hostname”/_lib/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64 /wkhtmltopdf-amd64



have the same problem. Tried this, but with no result. Still no pdf is generated.

  • checked _lib, tmp-rights, they are ok
  • download a pdf which I uploaded into the /tmp-dir, works

the prod-Server is a Strato Ubuntu-Server.

Any Ideas?

[QUOTE=miyasi;16996]1) download : https://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/downloads/detail?name=wkhtmltopdf-0.9.9-static-amd64.tar.bz2

2 ) unzip

  1. upload to “hostname”/_lib/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64

  2. Apply Permision 755
    “hostname”/_lib/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64 /wkhtmltopdf-amd64


Tried this, but with no result.

it is now urgent. I reported the problem there 4 months. I still do not have an answer.
Thanks !


I solved this problem.
My environment:
Develop: windows 7, vertrigo 2.29, SC 7.1.9
Production: UolHost

My way:

  • Generate the ZIP?s project.
  • Unzip on a local folder.
  • Using FileZilla in Binary Mode (not automatic), send to the wkhtmltopdf folder to the server
  • Change the folder to 777

A friend of mine, discover this solution.
He put it on our forum. http://www.scriptcase.com.br/forum/index.php/topic,7575.msg37093.html#msg37093

I hope can be usefull.

Best regards.


I solved this problem.
My environment:
Develop: windows 7, vertrigo 2.29, SC 7.1.9
Production: UolHost

My way:

  • Generate the ZIP?s project.
  • Unzip on a local folder.
  • Using FileZilla in Binary Mode (not automatic), send to the wkhtmltopdf folder to the server
  • Change the folder to 777

A friend of mine, discover this solution.
He put it on our forum. http://www.scriptcase.com.br/forum/index.php/topic,7575.msg37093.html#msg37093

I hope can be usefull.

Best regards.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for idea. But with no result !!
My environement:
Linux Ubuntu
SC : 7.01.0009
Web site with protocol https



About your problem with export PDF, you need ask for your hosting support do it:
[INDENT]You need to run the generated file .log, this file can be found in the /tmp folder.
The command must be run starting folder /prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64 or /prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-i386, the platform depends on your operating system. (32 bit or 64 bit)

  • You need to access your terminal server via SSH (shell)
  • Go to the wkhtmltopdf folder in your production environment, ( /prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-i386 or /prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64)
  • Run the command generated in the file .log on tmp folder and check the error is occurring.

Ej.: ./wkhtmltopdf-i386 --page-size A4 --orientation Portrait --header-right “[page]” --javascript-delay 250 http://mydomain/prod/_lib/tmp/sc_grid_html_p6mtdp6rthfus6t81hdlp7dap6.html /var/www/prod/_lib/tmp/sc_pdf_20130206463058_196_grid.pdf

  • Starting this error we can make a better diagnosis of your environment, and come at a solution.

(All steps should be performed via terminal.)

So good !

I just had the solution to my problem. I installed the 7.1.013 version of the common functions. Launch URL https://my-web-site/scriptcase then choose “Configure Production environment” option. A new field is present and allows you to enter the server’s IP address. Now edit the PDF is functional.
Tanks for message.
