[SOLVED] Radio selection fieldtype does not fire ajax event with a script

I have a radio fieldtype with 2 choises.
When I make a ajax event onchange, nothing happens when changing the choice.
When I change the same fieldtype to select, then it works fine.
I seems that the the radio fieldtype does not fire the event…
How to solve this, becaus I prefer the radio field type in this case.

Regards, Bert

It sound as a bug to me bert, I’m pretty sure I used constructions like that in the past and it worked. But perhaps an onclick will do?


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


It was found as bug, and our team is already aware. Let’s work to be solved in future updates.

Thank you!


For now, use the “OnClick” Ajax Event with your same code. (In Radio type field)

Work fine here.

Thank you!