[SOLVED] Sc_btn_display() for copy button: "clone" or "copy" as button name?

Trying to programmatically display\hide the SC copy button in forms app, require to adjust the button name according to the code “trigger”.

in custom ajax buttons, only “clone” works:

sc_btn_display(“clone”, “off”);

in events like onLoad, only “copy” works:

sc_btn_display(“copy”, “off”);

According to the SC manual the name should be “copy” (no mentions of “clone”)

@netmake: can you please fix it?


We identified the problem and have already reported it so that the responsible team can work on releasing the correction.

As soon as the fix is ​​released, we will be providing feedback through this thread.

Best regards!


The fix was released in version 9.12.001, which is now available for download/update.

Best regards!