[SOLVED] sc_connection_edit does not work in prod mode

Thanks so much for the new sc_connection_edit & sc_connection_new, they are exactly what I have needed.

I am using sc_connection_edit in V8, and it works perfectly in developer mode, but not in prod mode.

Error in the error_log during production mode:

[Thu Oct 16 02:32:16 2014] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function sc_connection_edit() in /var/www/test/main_menu/main_menu.php on line 713, referer: https://test.myurl.com/login/login.php

…/prod/lib/php/nm_ini_perfil.php is present on my prod server

Perhaps an include is wrong/missing?


No errors for me, but “sc_connection_edit” don’t work in production. Ok in developer mode.
I’m using advanced deploy mode.
sc 8.00.0013


Have you tried to deploy under your development environment? Does the issue occurs?

Also, issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

The problem was reproduced and acceptes as BUG ( ticket UAX-784-77159 )
Best regards


this problem has been fixed in the latest update Scriptcase (8.0.015).

Thank you.

I’m sorry Thomas but this seems not true. At least im my case. Ok in dev mode but not in production. Also in 8.0.15

Hello gbravi,

Could you clear your /scriptcase/tmp folder and deploy again under your development environment and let me know if you are still experiencing the issue?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Thomas, bartho

Please see http://www.scriptcase.net/forum/showthread.php?7144-New-macros-and-example-released&p=28995&viewfull=1#post28995

Cache has nothing to do with it.

In addition, the online sample is not working, both companies return the SAME DATA.


The problem has NOT been fixed. Please see details at http://www.scriptcase.net/forum/showthread.php?7144-New-macros-and-example-released&p=28995&viewfull=1#post28995. Please remove “[SOLVED]” from title.



I can confirm that the problem has not been fixed despite your suggestions.

Hello guys,

Thanks for your feedback.

I will verify the issue with our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hello all,

We are aware of this and have already implemented a fix for this problem.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello all,

Now this problem has solved!

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.

Yes, I have verified it works perfectly now. Thanks again Thomas!


Tested and seems to be ok.
Thanks to all.

Just a little problem when resetting to original connection: sc_reset_connection_edit( conn_xxx ) don’t works. But not so critical at this moment.