[SOLVED]sc_mail_send fails when domain name has more than 2 parts

The following is consistently reproducable on my SC7.01.0014 install:

Set a text field as “email” in a form application.

Enter an email address that has a three part domain name, such as


Submit the form and attempt to send with sc_mail_send in a suitable form event.

sc_mail_send fails with a fatal error

Conversely, sc_mail_send succeeds when the email address has a two part domain name such as



What kind of error do you get? Currently we are sending emails to an au company and afaik w.o. problems. But we use an au mail host by the way. (the mail hoster of our client)

Correction, I get a connection refused since the update of today. Is that the same issue you have? Then it’s likely that something has changed since latest update of SC

Yea, same here, but only on three part domain names. Incidentally, address@subdomain.domain.com also falls over.

I switched to the basic PHP mail() function, which gets me out of trouble until they fix it.


Funny, this morning I had not problems… Are we on the same host? It could be a hosting thing…

I have been using eboundhost (Chicago?). But if it is a hosting thing, why does PHP’s mail() work?


[QUOTE=GuiGuy;20732]I have been using eboundhost (Chicago?). But if it is a hosting thing, why does PHP’s mail() work?

Scrap that. I haven’t tried PHP mail on the host, only locally which is using a different SMTP (AU) server. You may be onto something. I’ll check some more.


This problem has been reported in our system to be fixed.


I performed several tests locally and in many cases was occurring authentication error.
I did some searching and found that Yahoo has changed its default mode for email security.
All data is being encrypted because of problems with the NSA spying.

The question I need to know from you is, what is your email provider are you using?
I also performed some tests with the provider of my personal domain, everything is working normally.

So, I ask that you check the security settings available in the macro sc_send_mail. Check the port used and are using SSL.

example (no SSL):

$smtp = “smtp.mail.yahoo.com.br”;
$usr = “username”;
$pw = “password”;
$to = “user@yahoo.com.br”;
$from = “user@scriptcase.net”;
$subject = “Subject”;

$message = “You can put same text here …”.{message}.’.’;

sc_mail_send ($smtp, $usr, $pw, $to, $from, $subject, $message, ‘H’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘587’);

example (SSL):

$smtp = “smtp.mail.yahoo.com.br”;
$usr = “username”;
$pw = “password”;
$to = “user@yahoo.com.br”;
$from = “user@scriptcase.net”;
$subject = “Subject”;

$message = “You can put same text here …”.{message}.’.’;

sc_mail_send ($smtp, $usr, $pw, $to, $from, $subject, $message, ‘H’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘465’,‘S’);

Hi John,
Thanks for the feed back. I’ll check that out and get back.


U read that in the yahoo forums that yahoo (at least the uk version) now only uses the smtp.yahoo.com server so not smtp.yahoo.co.uk maybe that is also with the other yahoo versions (.br and so on).