[SOLVED] SC7: can not change the template

I imported my application from v5 to v7, now I can not change the template, in layout/setting i can change it but the new template doesn’t affect after run the application.

Yes template not take affect if project was import. Go to >tools >express edit> all> aply to all (click check box) > button next > edit properties > apply.

I did all as you said, but now having another problem, if I want to change the template in grid/layout/settings it doesn’t change the template.
I also did restart my windows vista pc, but still I can’t change the template, even I create the new grid in v7, but its taking by default v5 template and now I can’t change the template.

please help…
thanks in advance…

Not sure but did you apply the patch in the php.ini file? After applying a template you need to regenerate things, and - often - you need to clean browser cache.

what patch are you talking about… I never did any patch…


This one: http://forum.scriptcase.net/showthread.php?3522-Applications-does-not-change-when-generate-sourcecode-SOLVED

Remember also to update your SC.

Bernhard Bernsmann

gatcha !!! great works now
