[SOLVED] Scriptcase 9.12

I just upgraded to 9.12 from 9.11 and I’m not able to create a project or edit the database connections of completed projects. This is the error I’m getting. INVALID ACCESS You do not have permission to access this page.


Are you the administrator user of the environment?

Is this problem you are facing for all existing projects, or just when you are going to create a new project and the projects completed as you said?

If you somehow manage to access a project or application, please let us know how the “Editing by project” option is found, whether it is enabled or not for these applications. It can be found in “Application → Configuration” in the left side menu of Scriptcase.

Best regards!

I tried all of the above none worked.
I had to uninstall Scriptcase from the server and reinstall it and restore the projects.
Everything seems to be working correctly now.
Thanks for your reply, it is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your feedback, and I’m glad you managed to overcome the situation and everything is working correctly so far.

Best regards!