[SOLVED] Scriptcase 9.8 with PHP 8.1, 2 = Undefined array key 160

I did export my project from Scriptcase 9.8, PHP 7.4 and import into Scriptcase 9.8, PHP 8.1
and in one application I got the following error:

2 = Undefined array key 160
C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\generator\nm_gp_consulta_cons.php 4070
2 = Trying to access array offset on value of type null
C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\generator\nm_gp_consulta_cons.php 4070
2 = Undefined array key 160
C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\generator\nm_gp_consulta_cons.php 4070
2 = Trying to access array offset on value of type null
C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\generator\nm_gp_consulta_cons.php 4070

I dont know how I can find the error in my code…Is there any line I can check?
best regards

Hello @reto.peter

We apologize for the inconvenience.

These issues were reported to our development team and I’ll let you know when it’s fixed.


Dear, @reto.peter

The fix is ​​available in release 9.8.003. Version available for download or update.

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Thanks! That worked!

Minha versão está atualizada e começou a apontar o erro abaixo em duas consultas:

2 = Undefined array key “nmgp_opc_soma_col”
/home/gestaona/public_html/scriptcase9/devel/generator/nm_gp_consulta_prep.php 7428

I use 9.9.0005(10) and have the same problem:
Undefined array key “upload_api_path” | Script: D:\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\class\xmlparser\nmXmlparserApplicationVars.class.php linha: 1630


I’m on 9.9.006 and imported a project from 9.7.023
I’m seeing the same undefined array key issue when trying to generate


SC v9.9.015
I have similar error:

2 = Undefined array key “outro”
C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9_9\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\generator\nm_gp_gera_lookup.php 1529

I have the same problem when I save my app, my version is 9.9.015 (188)

Undefined array key “upload_api_path” | Script: /var/www/html/scriptcase/devel/class/xmlparser/nmXmlparserApplicationVars.class.php linha: 1630

I have the same problem, my version 9.10.020 (3)