[SOLVED] Scriptcase does not startup....fatal error

I got this message while starting up scriptcase:

Fatal error: This file has expired. in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8n\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\lib\php\error.inc.php on line 0

I can not look in the php because it is encrypted.

Looks very bad…what to do

I made an new fresh installation and got the same message…

Regards Bert

Same error here… need help!


There was an encryption problem during the Scriptcase 8.01.0002 generation, the problem is already solved and we are uploading a new version to the site.

To solve the problem you must perform a manual update on Scriptcase. (once we upload the the new version to the site)

We apologize for the inconvenience

Give me a hint…when uploaded. Would be fine.
Regards Bert

Hello Carlos
how i can perform the manual update, i need download full packet of scriptcase ?

Downloads are unavailable in your site guys… could you please share a link to get the update?.


same error here, where can I find the update and how do I manually update scriptcase?

I Need an immediate solution to this mistake. There must be a way to go to an earlier version. Please help. It is really urgent.!!!

If you need to access Scriptcase now, setting your server time back to an earlier date works.

I cant Login into Scriptcase to make a manual upgrade. There is an error: Fatal error: This file has expired.
And cant change time to another day because is a shared hosting i already change the time zone but nothing happens.

There was a patch some minutes ago. Check this:

One way is to follow the instructions of sc (see the website)
It takes you 2 hours. (first zip what you have know, then unpack the download zip en install it)

Perhaps it’s not so very chic but I solved it as follows:
Put the clock back i.e. 1 week.
Startup sc
Setting -> upgrade
Put the clock back to the actual date en start sc
That’s it

With the patch is not needed to change clock. This workaround don’t works for all btw

It cannot be a permanent solution as you simply need to change the clock every week then. I recommend to follow the procedure. Doesn’t take 2 hours, I did it in half an hour.

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