[SOLVED] Scriptcase linux setup stuck at "Unpacking files" (9.10.022)

On a fresh Fedora 39 installation, executing “scriptcase_linux_installer_x86_64_v9.10.022-php8.1.run” and accepting all defaults, the installation is stuck at “Unpackunkg files” 12% .

Does the scriptcase setup create a log file somewhere? The standard linux log files don’t seem to have any entries related to the scriptcase setup and I have no idea how to troubleshoot this problem

This is when it gets stuck:

Not much of a difference running the setup via the CLI:

The Scriptcase dir is created with some content, so the file unpacking did something:


It contains 3388 files and 2512 dirs, but no idea how many dirs\files should be there.

Disk space is no issue:


Tried with the just released 9.10.023 and the scriptcase setup works