[SOLVED] Search Criteria (Grid/Search/Search criteria)-duplicated conditions - SC7

Hello Alcantara,

I will contact John regarding the issue.

Bernhard Bernsmann


We are still working to resolve your problem.
Thus I get a return of our developers, I will contact you.

Version 7.01.0008 is the last update received today.

Is this the version where the bug has been fixed or other?

Version 7.01.0009 still nothing solved.

Obviously you are not aware of the large increase in development time caused by this bug that is not relevant for you. This in the best of cases.

Too many times the developer must delete and create the grid again (settings, code, events, links …) and repeat all the extra work of setting all other parts of the grid just because it is not possible to eliminate the consequences once this internal error produced and reported for more than two years and we’re still talking unchanged.

Obviously you are not aware but this is really a very long time lost due to this error by the error itself and because it is impossible to change the situation produced in Scriptcase and you must repeat the entire work.

Scriptcase in the latest version has different behavior depending on the number of fields in the table.

After creating a new project and use the test database (table of four fields) the grid search options can be set correctly.

After creating a new project on the database with a table of twenty fields
bug appears in the second field and following fields.

Using the samples included in Scriptcase project, I modify as example grid86 / search and the bug appears.

Where are the settings entered in the search section at the end code generated for a grid? Scriptcase bug remains. It is essential to modify the final executable code to make it possible to obtain the correct applications.

Version 7.01.0010 - REPORTED BUG FORM VERSION 6 AND 7 still detected after last update. Nothing new to report about this bug after tests.

Bug still deetected after full new computer and Scriptcase installation. Added new problem: Test of new updates is not possible (After a lot of days the update service is inaccessible and has been reported for many users).


Are you sure about that? Your Scriptcase is updated?
See the changelog, we release a fix for your case in the last update

Fixed problem in the Application Search feature.

In fact, your problem is quite complicated to be simulated, the Scriptcase that you had spent for remote access is not the project available as before.
Anyway, we managed to simulate your problem so, and corrected.
Several tests were made in order to see if the problem still persisted or had any side effects, we found no more problems.

If your problem still persists, contact me via email j.lennon@netmake.com.br

Thank you.

  1. A copy of a full sample project was send when requested by Scriptcase.

  2. The sample project for remote access was deleted after weeks without any contact and the server closed.

  3. After a lot of days (about two weeks) the update service is inaccessible and test of updates is not possible:

"Search for Available Updates

Analyzing system files…

Searching for available updates…
Done. The requested service is inaccessible. It might be temporarily down. Verify your Internet connection."

  1. How we test the bug:

Process and bug:

  • Create database and table.
    MySQL Table used:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS search_bug_table (
id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
field_a varchar(40) NOT NULL,
field_b varchar(40) NOT NULL,
field_c varchar(40) NOT NULL,
field_d varchar(40) NOT NULL,

  • Create new SC application.
  • Create database connection.
  • Create Grid using ‘New application’ button.
  • Edit grid.
  • Go to Search option.
  • Go to Field positioning.
  • Transfer all fields to the right box.
  • Save.
  • Go to Search option.
  • Go to Search criteria.
  • Select field id.
  • Move Not null to the top of the list.
  • Select field_a
    You can see in the bottom of the right box:
  • Option Not null is not in the list
  • Option In is duplicated in the list.

Done manual update to last version: 7.01.0012

Test done in sample app and real complex apps.

Bug solved.

Thread marked as solved. Thanks for your feedback.

Please let us know if the issue happens again.

Bernhard Bernsmann