[SOLVED] Search Criteria (Grid/Search/Search criteria)-duplicated conditions - SC7

Search Criteria (Grid/Search/Search criteria) - duplicated and deleted conditions - SC7 updated to last version.

Using a grid with a lot of fields and selecting all criterias for each field in list, after moving up the last criteria (.Not null) to the top of the list all is ok.
The operation is done with several fields…
until we find a field and all next fields without the criteria .Not null in the list and .ln two times in list.

(Sample in attached file)

Other conditions are modifiyed if other conditions are moved to the top. Common conditions are always a long list of fields and conditions used in the grid. With only a few fields there is no error.

Our people reported this bug in SC6 one year ago. The bug exists still today in SC7. That’s why we dont use SC for production yet after months.


Can we edit some file to correct the conditions selected for a field until you correct the error?

In many months has not been possible to correct the error for you. We assume that it is difficult but we can not wait more months to complete open projects.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

After the last update we have verified again. Now the bug has been detected even with only two fields in the search list.
To create the conditions in the search form of the grid is necessary
1- to include a field in the displayed field list (only one field)
2- to add and order the conditions for the field
3- to remove the field from the list of displayed fields

Each defined field requires to save the grid definition and use of multiple grig menu options.

4- Finally we must include all the fields in the list of displayed fields.

The procedure and development becomes very inefficient and time consuming. In real terms, development is not possible with the current bug (search functions are necessary in almost all grids with a significant number of records).

Which file contains grid search definitions and where is it saved to edit it directly and modify wrong search definitions?

Hello MR. Alcantara,

I will verify the bug status with our team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Thanks bartho but I can confirm you that the error is still present after SC7 update today.

The bug is still in SC7 after last update today.

Hello Mr. Alcantara,

I will contact our bugs team again regarding the issue.

Bernhard Bernsmann

People responsible of Scriptcase updates speak clearly! Are you going to solve the bug that is in the application after two years? Detected and reported in version 6. This remains the same in version 7.

Our manager thinks he can give the answer after two years. You will not solve this bug (and we will not use Scriptcase for customer projects and we will not renew and increase product licenses).

Good news in the last update but errors in basic operations continue after 2 years.

The bug reported in this thread is still in SC7 7.01.0002.

What a shame. A good front but a bad foundation.


Are you still facing the issue? I have just sent you a pm to ask for more details on the issue.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hello Mr. Alcantara,

Contacting our bugs team I was informed that this issue has been fixed on our releases but you are still experiencing it because your application contains “garbage” and because of this you are experiencing the issue.

To fix that you can simply create a new application. Or you can contact our support to fix that for you.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Thanks to John from NetMake IT Solutions for the email requesting an example for the development team on August 6.
We hope that the small bug oriented sample project send will be helpfull.
We eagerly await the final solution.

Hello Mr. Alcantara,

Thanks for your feedback.

My last response was actually what John told me happened after running several tests on your application.

Bernhard Bernsmann

I have executed SC update option.
SC is in version 7.01.0005 and SC reports that there are no more updates.
I have created a new application in accordance with the instructions in your previous message.
The bug still appears in this new application without any difference in the behavior of ScriptCase.

MySQL Table used:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS search_bug_table (
id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
field_a varchar(40) NOT NULL,
field_b varchar(40) NOT NULL,
field_c varchar(40) NOT NULL,
field_d varchar(40) NOT NULL,

Process and bug:

  • Create database and table.
  • Create new SC application.
  • Create database connection.
  • Create Grid using ‘New application’ button.
  • Edit grid.
  • Go to Search option.
  • Go to Field positioning.
  • Transfer all fields to the right box.
  • Save.
  • Go to Search option.
  • Go to Search criteria.
  • Select field id.
  • Move Not null to the top of the list.
  • Select field_a
    You can see in the bottom of the right box:
  • Option Not null is not in the list
  • Option In is duplicated in the list.

Hello Mr. Antonio,

I really appreciate your response. Your Problem was simulated, and will be forwarding on to our developers.

After last update to SC version 7.01.0007 the bug continues without change.

Tested creating a new project.

Is this the version where the bug must be fixed or other? (Version 7.01.0007 is the next update received after the previous comment from John L. Santos).