[SOLVED] Security and Login Form Don't Match - login mode

I used the Security module to generate the security feature for my application. I selected form4 as the template.

When I was answering the question for the Security module, I selected username (login) as the field to match to the sec_users table when entering the information on the form. However when I run the login form application, the field contains the text “Email address”. Problem is when you use the email address I get an error because the security module used username as the option not email address. When I used the actual username (login) it logs me into the application.

Does anyone know where the application stores the sett_login_mode (login mode) value? I’ve looked all of the place and can’t find it.

Hello, you can find in sec_settings table.

wow never even thought of looking their…

So it says username but the prompt on the login screen say Email address:

I used external library security form login_04 to generate the security module. I finally found the code that I think is causing this but it’s a static text with no logic based on that setting.

In the app_Login_form_user.php I found this code:

  1. <input type="text" id="inputEmail" class="form-control sc-js-input " name="login" id="id_sc_field_login" value="<?php echo $this->form_encode_input($login) ?>" alt="{datatype: 'text', maxLength: 255, allowedChars: '<?php echo $this->allowedCharsCharset("") ?>', lettersCase: '', enterTab: false, enterSubmit: true, autoTab: false, selectOnFocus: false, watermark: '', watermarkClass: 'scFormObjectOddWm', maskChars: '(){}[].,;:-+/ '}" placeholder="Email address" required autofocus>
  2. <div class="scFormObjectOddPwdBox<?php echo $this->classes_100perc_fields['span_input'] ?>" style="width: 100%">

There is no logic to interpret the value of login_mode. I suppose I could change the static text but doesn’t that affect how the login php source code is managed by Scriptcase? Doesn’t Scriptcase overwrite changes to the php source?

** SOLVED **

I ended up modifying the library base code C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\MarineSurveySystem_lib\libraries\scriptcase\security\login\login04.html which didn’t seem to affect the build at all.