[SOLVED] Security leak (!!)

If you create a grid where you want the data shown to belong to a certain employ you save the employee id in a global variable at logon and in the grid you supply the criteria to the SQL statement like:

select field… where emplid=[glob_emplid]

suppose you have a table with events for each emplid with key eventid

Now if I want to show the correct data is set the glob_emplid the grid will show all events belonging to the employee.


If I have a detail checkbox on then a magnifierglass is shown Under the magnifier glass is a link containing the eventid. If I copy the link and put it in the url line of a browser I can read EVERY record of ANY employee. The fact that the SQL has where emplid=[glob_emplid] is totally ignored.

This is a major security leak and should be fixed asap.

The only solution for this is to remove the detail. Add a column with an image and apply a link to a new application showing the current data where all buttons are removed from the toolbar (read-only) and the correct sql applied. If you want you can create this link as a modal form. This will take only a few minutes of work so pretty easy to work-around.

I know you are working on this. Any progress? Need help?

ScriptCase should encrypt all generated GET-parameters.

That’s one option. One other is to apply a crc to the get (and post) parameters. Or both…

It also means ScriptCase should not be first choice for developing serious business applications as long as this security problem exists.

We will work hard to fix and prevent every security problem inside our tool.
That is why feedback is very important to us.

This will be addressed asap.

@Touchwood: this is a silly reply. Of course SC is taking issues like these very serious. I never came across a web product that fully guarantees that it’s 100% safe. On regular basis php products like cms’s, pm tools etc. are receiving updates to fix security holes. Even M$ and App*e are doing that.

Hello guys,

The problem already solved in our last release(8.1.0019).
Update your scriptcase to fix the bug.

Best regard,
Netmake team

Remarkable how fast this was solved.

Now for the numerous other bugs in this quality tool…