SOLVED: Show multiple values in a grid

I have a form with one checkbox field with different Ids (from a table)

Also I have a grid and I want to show the field, but not the Ids but the descriptions (they are in a table)

any idea?


How about add a join in the master select obtaining the description relative to each id?

Thanks gbravi.
The problem here is that the field contains the information in this format: 1;2;3;3;4;5 or 3;5 or any combination. We could change ; to ,
This is the way scriptcase stores the information when using a checkbox field with multiple values.

I found a solution for this.
In the grid I put this query:

SELECT group_concat(field description)
FROM table
WHERE INSTR(’{field with checkbox result}’,field id)>0
ORDER BY field description


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