I’m just started with scriptcase and can not get pass the simple search query form.
I have an SQL Query to a PostGIS providing a geographical point {x_var} {y_var} and getting a zip code as a result. SELECT zip FROM “public”.zip_areas WHERE ST_Contains(the_geom,ST_GeomFromWKB(ST_AsEWKB(‘POINT({x_var} {y_var})’::geometry), 4326))
I started with a search application and defined two fields x_field and y_field with a substitution assignment for the x_var to x_field and y_var to the y_field. I can not find the way to define the output field for the resulting zip.
What is the right way to do an application with two input fields x: and y:, a search button and one output field zip:?
Can I have both input fields and output field on the same page where the output field (initially empty) will be filled with the search result? Or do I have to have two pages - one for search with input fields and another (possibly grid?) with output field to display the resulting zip code?
I could not find a right exampe for this simple scenario.
Can you point me to a right example or give some hints?