[SOLVED] Strange problem with charset

Hello everyone,
hope you’re all good. :wink:
I recently ran into somewhat strange problem with my project. I develop a project with multiple grids, forms etc. I noticed that, on my deployed project, most of my data is not displaying correctly. They are completely fine, when I run them directly in Scriptcase. I did some research on the forums, but couldn’t find a fix for this one. See the file attached. The problem is that the data I’m working with don’t display correctly in the final, deployed project. It happens across the project in forms and grids with database-driven data so I was assuming that the problem was somewhere in MySQL, but I’m not sure (the data display correctly while writing code, but show strange characters in the final, deployed project). I checked the collation of individual apps and they are all set to UTF-8, final deploy is made using UTF-8. MySQL is working with UTF-8 tables. I’m running the latest version of Scriptcase as of date.

Any help on this will be much appreciated.


I suspect that your php installation on the deployment sever is not mutlibyte enabled. See http://allseeing-i.com/How-to-setup-your-PHP-site-to-use-UTF8

Thanks for your help, Albert. The problem was in the multibyte support, indeed.
Although, me and my colleague were confused, because previously, we had OS X Mountain Lion server running on our Mac Pro just fine - I think it was 10.8.1, and later we noticed those Apple engineers changed the php.ini file in some software update, so we were using default collation set to Japan! Changed it on current 10.8.5 to all languages and everything is running fine again.
Thanks again for the help! :wink: