[SOLVED] tabs don't work on form after update to 8.0.033

I have a form with multiple detail form,
in layout section I set the form as cards and up to version 8.0.032 everything worked properly.
Updating to version 8.0.033 the form of details all begin at the end of the last tab, in the same row.
See the attached pictures.
is urgent to correct

Gian Luca





i resend attach due error on saving.

I have a form with multiple detail form,
in layout section I set the form as cards and up to version 8.0.032 everything worked properly.
Updating to version 8.0.033 the form of details all begin at the end of the last tab, in the same row.
See the attached pictures.
is urgent to correct

Gian Luca






Also my form does not work after there is the same problem, this problem reappear because some time ago there is the same problem
that was corrected, also for me is very urgent the solution.


Hi, I figured out the same but only with Mozilla FF. IE works fine.


Did you tried to clean cach? and recreate the app? Clean scriptcase/tmp folder before too.

[QUOTE=Giu;33441]recreate the app?[/QUOTE] I think you mean generate new source code? Yes I tried everything.

Tabs don’t work with Mozilla FF (V36) at least if you have created the form under an earlier SC version than 8.0.033.
Please NM fix this.


i confirm
with chrome work. Problem is only on Mozilla, please NM fix !!

I Confirm, My tabs work bad.

Same problem!!! is very urgent!

We hope problem be fix it very soon.


Please, update again the scriptcase. This problem occurred because of a problem during the release of the update.