[SOLVED] Toolbar "Columns" Bug?


I was trying disable some of certain buttons of an application, then I found out that the “Columns” Button are not there even though i didn’t move it away at the toolbar category?

Is there anything that I do might cause this?

I found out that after you join tables in SQL the columns setting will reset, that’s probably the reason why it doesn’t show up.
Sorry for this question though:)

[QUOTE=Brian;34529]I found out that after you join tables in SQL the columns setting will reset, that’s probably the reason why it doesn’t show up.
Sorry for this question though:)[/QUOTE]

Its good to know.

Postings like this help other people who may be searching for the same symptom.



The problem is that right now, the choice of columns in the toolbar is not working in any way

Good morning,

Really, when you use more than one table in grid the Column option doesn’t show in grid.
I reported the problem to our development team for they correct it.
when problem solved will include the fix in update release.
thanks for observation.

Have a nice day.

Best Regard,
Netmake Team


Sorry sir, this problem is not a bug.

if you use more than one table in sql, you must enable the column in side menu “Grid > Columns”
move the column to right,so, the Column button is available.

have a nice day.

Best regard
Netmake team