[SOLVED] Unable to edit a line on an editable grid form

Not sure what I am doing wrong.

I have an editable grid form set up.

The SQL is has skid_tag_num defined at the primary key.
The WHERE is


I have a unique key defined:

UK1: skid_tag_num + line_num

When I tried to update a row from the grid, I got the error message

Error updating database - record not found

So I turned on debug and got this SQL.

select count(*) from skid_tag_det where (skid_tag_num = 244304 AND line_num = 4) AND (skid_tag_num <> 244304)  

That SQL will never return any records.

Anybody got a suggestion on what is going on?



You cannot change keyvalues in scriptcase using the standard functions. If you have a sql like update mytable set field=‘abc’ where field=‘def’ then this cannot be generated from the form. It will generate a sql like update mytable set field=‘def’ where field=‘def’. This record will not be found and generates an error. If you need to change keyvalues you can add a custom button and apply your own code, or change the tablestructure in a way that you have a unique key (ie. rowcount) and use secondairy indexes on you foreign ‘primary’ key. Then this will work. I.e.

table x,
myuniquenumber = primary key

create unique index on x (myoriginalprimaryfield).

Thank you for your prompt response Albert.

Unfortunately, either I do not understand your response, or I did not ask the question correctly.

I am not trying to change the keyvalues. Both skid_tag_num and line_num are set to read only. What I am trying to do is something like this:

SET partial_quantity=600 WHERE skid_tag_num=244304 AND line_num=4


SOLVED - Unable to edit a line on an editable grid form

I figured out what to do to fix this.

I needed to set the Primary keys to skid_tag_num and line_num in the SQL for the form.

And NOT define a Unique Key.

The generates the proper SQL to check for the row and update the items with the right WHERE clause.

Thank you.