[SOLVED] Undefined property $sc_page

In a form application in SC 8 i have this code in onApplicationInit:

$_SESSION['sc_session'][$this->Ini->sc_page]['form_khkansprechpartner']['where_filter']   = "";

(delete quick search box)

This generate the following error:

Undefined property: form_khkansprechpartner_form::$sc_page

In SC 7 there is no problem with it …


Not sure if this is really a bug. Perpahs the code isn’t working anymore due a modification on our internal code.

Have you tried to use that code on the onScriptInit() event?

I will verify the issue with our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hi Bernhard,

so, in onScriptInit this code works not. No errors, but also the quick search is not working … But everything works with code in event onLoad ;).

Undefined property $sc_page
In a form application in SC 8 i have this code in onApplicationInit:

$_SESSION[‘sc_session’][$this->Ini->sc_page][‘form_khkansprechpartner’][‘where_filter’] = “”;
(delete quick search box)

This generate the following error:

Undefined property: form_khkansprechpartner_form::$sc_page
In SC 7 there is no problem with it …

@madikonda: why you quote only my post?

[QUOTE=RHS;27232]Hi Bernhard,

so, in onScriptInit this code works not. No errors, but also the quick search is not working … But everything works with code in event onLoad ;).[/QUOTE]

Work fine? Good!

Ticker solved and closed.

Very thanks for your feedback Reinhard!

Have a good day!

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