as title: Document (database) “upload failed” on filenames with non-alphanumeric characters or filenames with spaces
it doesn’t happen on document(filename).
scriptcase version: 8.1.006
as title: Document (database) “upload failed” on filenames with non-alphanumeric characters or filenames with spaces
it doesn’t happen on document(filename).
scriptcase version: 8.1.006
Thanks for that hint…It was working in the previous version, now it doenst work as you said…
This problem has been solved in update 8.1.007
Thank you!
Good news!
I found the same error with my project in the previous version too,it can not upload the files with file name use chinese characters.
As far as I know only a limited set of characters are supported, since characters are converted (utf 8 conversion), and not even all. You can program around this is you hack in the generated code.
Be sure to have your operating system AND database running in the proper charcterset. If not then you will get even more trouble.
So if you would upload a file with chinese characters then the OS MUST support the chinese characters and your webserver MUST support these same characters as well…