SOLVED: Uploading large document or image (filename) fails

I have some forms to upload images or documents into scriptcase. I use the option filename and the files are stored in de doc or the img folder. In the settings I left filesize and allowed file extension and filesize empty. Everything works fine except when I want to upload a lage document or a large image. Uploading of the large files results in an error message with no text and a red cross.

In the documentation I found no clues. Should I fill the allowed filesize?

Your suggestions wil be appreceated!


It’s not mandatory the filesize limit, but there is anyway the filesize limit of PHP, check that.

I strongly suggest also to fill the allowed extensions for security reason.

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Hi Vincenzo,

Thanks a lot! The minute I read your reply I knew instantly this was the solution for my problem. It explained everything. I migrated to PHP 8.1 and forgot to check the php.ini of my provider. Local worked everything fine. Now I solved the problem with your help. Thanks!


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