[SOLVED] Urgent: Fatal Error: Class 'nmUserGroups' not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\lib\php \base_ini.inc.php on line 910

I was prompted to update my scriptcase and when I did, it failed. When I try to relaunch scriptcase I get the following error… and therefore cannot get the scriptcase login screen.

Fatal error: Class ‘nmUserGroups’ not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\lib\php \base_ini.inc.php on line 910

Worst part is that I have a demo in the morning and I had not deployed my application. Goodness, I shouldn’t have attempted updating… ;-(

Kindly advice urgently…




Try to do manual update to solve this problem.
It is simple and fast. You should only download the ScriptCase (.zip or .tgz) on our site and replace the files in your scriptcase folder.

Look our tutorial:

Many Thanks John L.Santos. I was heading towards this direction but hesitated.

Will I be prompted for Serial Number? I’ve forgotten my password to my SC account and when I try to retrieve, it expects me to enter the serial number for validation which I only have in my SC account. So I am possibly stuck unless I request sales to resend it to me… Lesson learnt, store the serial key elsewhere as well…

Hi again.

I followed as directed but still having the same error message :frowning:

Now I am in panic mode!

Any further directions?




You do not need to register the scriptcase for this case.

SC still not launching…

Lemme try a completely new and fresh installation. Onto a different folder and then try overwrite my existing sc folder…I still need to retrieve my serial…:frowning:



Download the file (according to your version of PHP)
Replace it with the same file in the directory deve/class/interface/ in your scriptcase folder.

Thanks John, lemme try this. Thanks for the speedy responses…


Any news?

Yes Sir, I managed to revive my SC. Many many thanks… Apologies for the late reply…