[SOLVED] V. 8.00.0044 pdfreport Regional Settings germany on integer vars

Hi all,

using the german localisation I have an integer value to show on an report. The Bug starts when I Change PDF Report -> Fields -> Field (integer) Values Format -> Regional Settings from yes to no.
After that, as normal I can manipulate Digit Grouping Separator/Negative sign/Negative number format. Saving that, hides the settings of Digit Grouping Separator/Negative sign/Negative number format, while the Regional Settings is still on no.

Generating the application is disregarding the Regional Settings no …

Best regards



I did some tests, and it’s a bad functionality from scriptcase.
But, it has been already reported to the bugs department to correction.

When the correction is ready. I’ll inform you.


The problem was solved in release 8.1.001, update your scriptcase and check the correction.

Nice day for all.

Best regard,
Netmake Team

confirm, it works now as intended … thx

Closed as solved