[SOLVED]Win1250 codepage bug!

ScriptCase 8 still no support for win1250 code page, is not that a bug?


That this is an implementation rather than a bug. This suggestion has already been passed on to our development team and as soon as we have a return, we will contact you.

[QUOTE=John L. Santos;36967]Hello,

That this is an implementation rather than a bug. This suggestion has already been passed on to our development team and as soon as we have a return, we will contact you.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but that “implementation” which you forgot I will have to pay again if I buy ScriptCase 8 today. ScriptCase without win1250 is totally useless for me.

How difficult is it for you to add this codepage next to 30 others. I have asked for this your support services even three weeks ago.

All database vendors support win1250 codepage, all other similar products like PHP Maker, PHPRunner and others support WIN1250 but only you don’t have support for WIN1250 codepage and only for you it is new functionality and only you request from us for pay in addition.

I don’t see your point. Scriptcase produces new versions on a regular base. The subscription time is depending on your licence. Nothing new and nothing special, other companies do the same. SC will implement this in the near future if I read your message well. I assume that your subscription is overdue. What do you expect? If this functionality is so important to you then SC would have been fallen of the list while evaluating I expect. But ‘they’ don’t ask you to pay in addition. If you have a subscription the updates do not require additional costs. It’s fully described on the website: http://www.scriptcase.net/scriptcase-faq/?group=sales

My subscription is not overdue. But your colleague, Patricia Albertim, said to me, when I ask if I buy Scriptcase today do I have to pay for update for Win1250 in next 12 months:


“Will I have to pay upgrade to next version (which will include WIN1250 code as you announce) in next 12 months or not?”
Yes, since it?s an upgrade, it?s a new service, then you will have to pay for it. So you can purchase our current version, then I?could grant you a support service for FREE for 2 months, or you can wait until our new version will be released. :slight_smile:

<end of quotation>

For me as freelancer, that is very much difference. I ask again, if I buy ScriptCase 8 Enterprise Edition for $ 559.20 today, do I have to pay for upgrade when support for win1250 be ready in next 12 months?

Best regards,



I apologize for my English, maybe I was not clear.

Again, Scriptcase is pretty useless to me without support for Win1250 codepage. Why should I pay anything within the next month (when support for Win1250 is completed), when the ScriptCase website says: “The subscription period last for 12 months and it includes minor patches and major upgrades, any update and also new versions released by Scriptcase during this period can be downloaded for free”. Do you see my point now?

I also want to use a discount that expires at the end of the month.

What is the price for 12 months Subscription service for the new customer (for the first year)?


The encoding Windows-1250 characters is not supported by PHP mbstring extension (http://php.net/manual/pt_BR/mbstring.supported-encodings.php)
For this case can use the charset “ISO-8859-2” therefore the “Windows-1250” encoding is similar. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1250)

[QUOTE=John L. Santos;37150]Hello,

The encoding Windows-1250 characters is not supported by PHP mbstring extension (http://php.net/manual/pt_BR/mbstring.supported-encodings.php)
For this case can use the charset “ISO-8859-2” therefore the “Windows-1250” encoding is similar. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1250)[/QUOTE]

I know that ISO-8859-2 is similar but it is not quite the same (http://konfiguracja.c0.pl/iso02vscp1250en.html). For me who has all existing (Firebird) databases encoded with cp1250 it is big problem not only for couple different characters but also because of wrong collating sequence for Serbian latin language.

These mbstrings functions are problematic, because they support only limited amount of character sets. I think that iconv function is much more capable and should be preferred.

Why not to allow use iconv instead mbstring for example through the system settings or only for WIN1250 codepage?


I will check the possibility we add the iconv function to solve this problem.
As soon as I have some feedback, I will contact you.

[QUOTE=John L. Santos;37158]Hello,

I will check the possibility we add the iconv function to solve this problem.
As soon as I have some feedback, I will contact you.[/QUOTE]

Thank you very much in advance. Few days ago, I bought Scriptcase just because of a promise for support for WIN1250 in version 8.1. I hope you will not disappoint me.



ScriptCase 8.1 still have no support for win1250 code page!:mad:

You made me a promise, before I bought version 8.0 two months ago, that support for Windows Eastern Europe code page will be in new 8.1 version! Today I installed new 8.1 version and see that win1250 code page support still not exist. Is a shame to made me misguided to buy a product that has no value to me, without win150 code page support.

I am very dissapointed with your attitude. Your company make that promise to me several time from several different persons in several different occasions (last time in live training a month ago).

Dusan Barbul


Whats the version of your Scriptcase right now? Is still not working?

Problem is solved now!

I am on 8.1.010 and now (from 8.1.008) is all OK. :slight_smile:

Thank you for question and many thanks to all in Scripcase development team for this. Scriptacase is now much interesting tool for east Europe and other non english markets.

🚀 Scriptcase 9.12 is now available! Check out the new features here 👉🚀 Next Monday (02/24), Scriptcase 9.12 will be released! Check out the new features before anyone else 👉