[SOLVED] Wkhtmlnopdf is banned from hosting services

Recently I have realized the file wkhtmltopdf is being banned from the hostings where I have published my apps, and in Scriptcase Host doesnt work, I cant install rpm to susbstitute the file or install a new wkhtmltopdf , I am paying and using Scriptcase for not having to get into this details, I just want to deploy and ready, thats why Im paying, if I have by hand to fix those things better I use asp.net with some frameworks or php Laravel, I dont want to say to my customers to switch to a VPS solution.

In my production server Scriptcase copied this file using FTP to /_lib/prod/third …
under windows server. So if you deploy SC with all elements , this file should be there …
You can’t upload these files using FTP to production server ???

Cheers Uwe

I have solved, on Scriptcase host, dont know why but tried several times deleting and re installing the applications, until I remove everything re deployed it, reinstalled the apps, close the browser went to sleep and this mourning just change the security and it worked!!, dont know what happened why the deploy was corrupt.