[SOLVED] Wkhtmltopdf don't work - still not solved in 9.6.006

In Update 9.6.006 wkhtmltopdf was not updated.

**…/scriptcase/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64 **
There was no update - the version ist still 0.12.4 (with patched qt)

it MUST version 0.12.6 (with patched qt)

…//scriptcase/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/stretch is Version 0.12.5. (with patched qt)
but the version from this directory is not used (and outdated)

Is it really such a challenge?

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@robertoferraz any new informations to this problem?

Hi @gomi

What we did at first was update the WKHTMLTOPDF version to 0.12.6 for CentOS8 environments only, since that was the operating system with the reported issues.

An Centos8 folder, containing the updated version, was created and you can see it in /scriptcase/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/

So what Scriptcase does is validate your O.S and then point to that directory.

Let me know about any doubts, criticism or suggestions.

Hello @robertoferraz

I am very sorry… I can see it.

But there is a little problem…

Scriptcase itself runs on centos8
I am deploying to the same server / apache

Centos Version 8.3.2011
Apache 2.4.37
php 7.3.27

If i deploy a project the directory centos8 will be generated (within V 0.12.6 )

BUT scriptcase uses not the version in …/centos8
Scriptcase still uses the version in _lib/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64

The development environment also uses the version from …/linux-amd64

So the error remains…

Any ideas or solution?

Is there an answer or a reaction?

Hello @gomi

The PDF generator has worked in your enviroment.

If It works in development and not in deployment, update the production environment in the following link

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Please read the above posting …

As described, it works neither in the development nor in the deployment version.

Centos8 loads from the / linux-amd64 directory and not from the centos8 directory.

The version in linux-amd64 is still out of date.
0.12.4 = OLD 0.12.6 = CURRENT



We have sent an email for Mr. @gomi, and we are hopping some feedback about It.

We sent a step by step with the solution of the problem, If you were able to solved It, please send us a return.

Thank you.

Hello Rafael,
Sorry for late reply.

I don’t know what you have done but in 9.6.013 it works!
I hope this doesn’t change in the next version :thinking:

Hi, I have almost the same problem. I can’t generate PDF from grid applications. The hosting server runs Centos 7.

I Tried in windows and have no problem, but our service provider servers runs Centos 7

Hello Hector,

At first you must configure the production environment.
PDF-Server-IP. this can be a dns-name.

Unfortunately, Scriptcase refuses to update wkhtmltopdf to the current version.

The actual version is 0.12.6.
It can be that centos7 no longer work with 0.12.4 (centos8 only works with 0.12.6).
Then you must copy 0.12.6 from …/_lib/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/centos8 to …/_lib/prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64.

Unfortunately, 0.12.6 is overwritten with 0.12.4 with every scriptcase update.
You may need to change this in the development environment.

hope it works :wink:

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maybe a newby question. but i also tried everything.
how do i know/see which version i have to upload to my server?

Hello I have the problem (wkhtmltopdf grid export to pdf not work) on my development localhost (Windows 10) do you have any suggestion to fix it (Windows 10) ? Thank you.

@gomi I tried this, but I then get a lib error… I don’t have sudo or root access on my server (Hosted), soI can’t easily update stuff. anything else come from your investigations?

For the record, my trail is here: [SOLVED] WKHTMLTOPDF - still not updated! - #37 by ibatey