[SOLVED] WKHTMLTOPDF - still not updated!

Here it’s another guide could help.


I have a lot of systems installed in different hostings and only in one hosting told me that the wkhtmltopdf execution was not allowed for security reasons.

In my expirience with

  • wkhtmltopdf allowed (Communicate with the hosting to ask this)
  • 744 permission over the wkhtmltopdf-amd64 file (centos8 or linux-amd64 folder, most common)
  • disable_functions=’’ in php.ini
  • 755 permission over _lib/tmp
  • Configure the url for pdf Server IP in the SC Production enviroment
    It works in the rest of hostings like IONOS, Hostinger, GoDaddy, Hosgator and many others in Argentina.

Good luck!

Thanks a lot gbillot3. I have no idea which ip (or where to ask) to be used in pdf server ip. My hosting is Ionos. How can I get it ?
Thanks a lot in advance

I did what you have suggested with no success

Hi Miguel, as I mentioned I have 2 apps working in IONOS with pdf export.

Please send me to gbillot@gmail.com your SC Production enviroment and disable_functions php.ini print screen


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Is your web page url. for example www.miguelapp.com