Well, I have commented on the language problems many times, and at some point I even got a warning form the forum admin (not really nice), as this becoming really frustrating and if one wants to make a list of most complained issues it would probably look like this:
- support and documentation
- bugs havent’t been fixed for long time
- …put yours here…
I have a bug in one of my Apps (due to the SC bug) for example which prevents me to publish the App. This bug lasts from SC5 (while it is still present in SC7.1).
…so probably there is no need to explain enything else.
Of course there are minor bugs and there are workarounds for those, and there are major bugs which prevent form serious development.
what bothers me the most is the fact that NetMake asks many people to contact Customer Support in order to deal with SC bugs. In many cases developers are not responsible for those bugs, but NetMake wants them to pay for extended support.
This kind of policy is insane! At some point I was cooperating with NetMake working on language corrections. For some (not known to me) reason they decided not to continue, so we can probably expect more and more language problems. The manual in many places makes no sense, the documentation, examples etc. on the website also needs some fixes. That was one of the main reasons I did not become a SC reseller, altough we were inteded to.
As a developer I worked in several places in EU, Canada and US. I use at least 4-5 software tools which comes from countries where English is not a native language, but the DOCs and support is so much better. How is it possible that the company in Germany (for example) can manage their product/support/website and documentation in English without problems and NetMake cannot. Perhaps this requires an understanding the going internationally reuqires a little bit more than just a product.
In many cases vendor wants to make new version of software just to make some profit on upgrade, while not fixing existing bugs (or at least not all of them). This is short-vision policy and in a long run will never work for the company (neither for developer who uses the tools). We have a god example with Micrisoft after releasing Windows-Vista (which was the worst crap ever released from MS). 80% of IT people hate Vista and try to stay away from it. Would this also happen to SC ? Don’t know but I’m getting really frustrated. Ibelieve if NetMake would cooperate more with people aroung the world who can bring some value to the company and at the same time speak god English it would help a lot.
Finally - the only reason that NetMake could offer paid user support should be for cases where user has very unusuall development need and this require some extra time from NM to help.
There are several developers (that I know) who quit using SC simply because of the problem mentioned above. I personally requested some help regarding some bugs through the direwct contact to the company and after 2-3 week hasn’t got any response. Of course I’m not planing to pay for support just to have them bugs fixed.
Script Case is a great development idea which could easilly become absolutely the most efficient development tool. The value of the concept in SC is undeniable!
If the company listen to the users, put more attention on the bugs and hire some more/better English speaking personell, then finally starts better cooperation -I see the bright future for Net Make, alhtough some (perhaps Brasilian) way of thinking must be changed. In today’s economy paying attention to the details and to the consumer is not a luxury - IT IS A MUST.