Sorting trouble and failed html code displayed


I have encountered some Problems with ScriptCase 7 (Detailed Version: 7.01.0005. Complains about there being an update, but whenever I do try to update it using its own update function as instructed, it tells me it is up to date) Grids:

Breaking the table
For some reason, when I load the tables from the DB, sometimes displayed html code intrudes into the table. It always is introduced in the first column (where the magnifying glass icon is located, in front of that icon), as if a table statement had been prematurely terminated. Example:

[some content of tables];;;', 'detalhe'); return false;">

however the full table content is shown. The last symbols before the break are always:


And it only happens to those, where these same symbols appear more than once.
I looked up in the source database tables and those symbols are natural translations and do not use the usual html transliterations (like >).

This by itself wouldn’t bother me all that much, however: Re-Sorting the table by clicking on a column header, or loading the page (beyond the very first time, if it’s on the first page) will break the table. To the point of it not being a table at all anymore and not containing much data either. This behaviour is also applied to parent grids! (If it occurs in a nested Grid, the same behaviour happens in the main grid, even without expanding the offending nested table).

Application hanging up while changing display
Some of my grids will hang up while I reorder their content. This has happened to any grid that has been directly attached to a Tabs application. I was able to end it by attaching a nested grid, but removing that setting will once again cause it to have the same problem. I now take care of it by adding a container to the tabs and adding the grid to the container as the single 100% width column. But that can hardly be a solution, can it?

Problem 1:
The only way around it (hoping I analyzed the problem correctly) I can see is to do string-replaces on an SQL level, so SC never sees the “<” and “>” Symbols.

Problem 2:
I place everything in containers and hope the users will know how to handle those (never trust on users knowing what they do!).

Now as I have presented problems and workarounds, you might be wondering why I went through the effort to do so:
Those are workarounds. I want to know whether there is an actual solution to my problems. Also maybe my workarounds cause new trouble, in which case I’d better know, as the documentation is - to say the least - a bit spotty.
