SourceGuardian Loader ERROR 07

I recently uploaded an app created with sc9. And when you want to access the system displays an error message:

PHP script ‘/home/admin/public_html/bis/app_Login/app_Login_sc_mail_image.php’ is protected by SourceGuardian and requires a SourceGuardian loader ‘ixed.5.6.lin’ to be installed.

  1. Click here to download the required ‘ixed.5.6.lin’ loader from the SourceGuardian site
  2. Install the loader to / usr / local / apps / php56 / ext
  3. Edit /usr/local/apps/php56/etc/php.ini and add ‘extension = ixed.5.6.lin’ directive
  4. Restart the web server

After we ask the help of related parties to install the script.
We try again to access the application was still raising error message as follows:

SourceGuardian Loader - This protected script does not support version 5.6.30 of PHP. Please contact the author of the script regarding this problem. Error code [07]

Maybe someone has experienced something similar, can share the solution

SC9 uses php7. This is from their web page…&conv=3&ln=en:
Web Server with PHP support, such as Apache, IIS
PHP 7.0 with the modules mbstring, GD2 and zip enabled
Source Guardian 11.0.6 (Click here for instructions on how to enable Source Guardian 11.0.6)
SQL Database (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL) PHP accessible .