Span CSS modification [Solved]


is any possibility to change css for autogenerated span (summary module of grid)?
For default justify-content is set to left. I would like to change it to center.

Tried with onAplicationInit event and css modification but without success.

source: span style=“text-align: center;display: flex;flex-direction: row;align-items: center;justify-content: left”>SKRA</span

In OnScriptInit, call a function style();
in PHP Functions, add a new function style
and put the css code…



Then, you can use the developer tools to detect the labels of SC Components, and in style function, change the css...

this solution not working for me, tried.


for summary span not contain any class so code that worked for me


span {justify-content: center !important;} <?php

span is a html tag… you can detect the id of the block…


.MiClass {justify-content: center !important;}

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