SQL add-on for all widget selections, is it possible?

Hello guys, how are you? I need your help with the following question.
I have 2 different types of users, and for these users I have to show a panel, it is the same panel, but for one type I show all the records of a certain company, and for the other type of user I show all the records of all companies. What changes is the selection of each graph that is part of the panel.

What I would like is for all the graphics on the panel to respect a where clause according to the type of user, without me having to enter each graphic and change its SQL.

Summing up “Dashboard, apply the company filter = 15 for all the graphics you are going to load”

is this possible on the panel?

If you adapt your SQL to take care of the user_type you should be able to do it with only one Dashboard

Something like that should do it

SELECT … FROM … WHERE (CASE user_type = 1 THEN company_filter = 15 ELSE true)

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Thank you Jilboutin60.