First of all the name: SQL BUILDER is not very fortunate. In all tools that I have used so far this type of functionality is called a QUERY. So I really sugest to change it to QUERY BUILDER !!!
Secondly after a month since I have reported a several bugs in SQL BUILDER they still haven’t being fixed.
For example while moving between the Tabs I keep loosing the JOIN selections. It drives me nuts as I simply cannot test the query , then come back and do some changes and test it again.
When I add Master table, then add Child Table one at a time it works, but when I add Master Table and then several child tables it fails, and display no records when its RUN !
When I remove tables from the list they go back to the liest on the left but get at the buttom of the list (unsorted) so it is gharder to find them again when you need it.