Hi everyone,
I love it when people share questions and solutions 
Just to clarify for anyone stumbling upon this post in several years LOL… the advantage of a store procedure in the database is that you can centralize (and possibly better protect) business logic and even the database’s underlying table and field structure in the database. There are other pros and cons, but that in theory makes it desirable.
From a RAD perspective, for me, I usually try to discipline myself to do it this way, but always end up building ad-hoc SQL selects in the PHP/SC side of things. I could go back later and sometimes do, but it does make it ‘harder’ for me to adjust my select if is a stored procedure.
I wonder if in SC10 (OMG LOL) they could make an interface directly on a grid or other app that would let us create and edit and test stored procedures. Would be kinda RAD right?
I was wondering if anyone has found other advantages for this when developing in SC? Like possibly performance increases? Optimization is always something to seek out and may be enough of a reason to completely switch over to stored procedures… thoughts anyone?
PS - I am also jumping in on this thread because I have been reading all the SC9 horror story bug posts and this post was about a ‘real’ programming thing
One way to ‘solve’ SC9 bugs is to just keeping using or install SC8 until the dust settles.