SQL Server connection issues ... ;-(

I got a project hosted in a linux hosting site and some applications have the needing to read tables of a SQL Server database located on another remote server.
I read everything about that but still not able to create the connection.
This is the last message of hosting support service sent me about the try to make the connection:

The PHP extension PDO is available, but if the application is looking for a php_pdo.dll file specifically it will not find it. That is a Windows specific file and we have extension = “pdo.so” available. Does the application you’re using have other options available to it?

Can you please help me becouse I’m stucked here and I can’t run alternatives for the db. I have to use it only.


Hy Giovanni
you must use FreeTds with Linux

If you’re using Cpanel on the remote host (server), go to databases > remote MySQL and enter the IP address of the server that needs to connect. If you’re using a host that doesn’t have Cpanel, check and see if you have the option of whitelisting an IP address, if so enter the IP address of the remote server that needs to connect. If all else fails, contact your host and see if they can whitelist the IP address of the remote host. I’ve been connecting to my database this way so I know it can be done. :wink:

I think he’s talking about Sql Server not MySql

I think he’s talking about Sql Server not MySql

As said by Giorgio the issue is that the hosting service has not the possibility to open the connection to a SQL Server database. Becouse they don’t want to install the FreeTds tool as Giorgio suggested I need to migrate all to mySQL … ;-(( Really big trouble…

This is not necessary … and a very old solution.

In a LAMP server with PHP 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6 install the Microsoft Drivers 3.2 for PHP for SQL Server (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downl…aspx?id=20098).

On Windows clients you must have the Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server (http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/downl…aspx?id=36434).

In ScriptCase use “MSSQL Server Native PDO”.

That’s all.

I have some SC apps running with UniformServer or XAMPP (LAMP server installation on Windows machines) and can access this apps via browser from a windows client.

Hi Reinhard
also on Linux server?

@gbravi: use Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server on Linux for that.