SQLite Data Types For Appointments Sample Application

So i’m trying to use the sample Appointments as a guide to creating a similar application. I don’t want to copy the sample or associated SQLite database because it has way to much extra junk I don’t need.

I’m having an issue with the data type Time. For some reason SC is not handling it correctly especially when I go to set a field to a particular time value. In order to get it to display I have use {fieldname} = date(‘HH:ii’) which really isn’t right. It should be {fieldname} = date(‘H:i’) but when I use this it doesn’t display a value, the field is blank.

What’s really odd is when I look at the appointment sample and view the appointment_end_time field, it has a SQL Type of time but SQLite does not have that as a valid data type. How did the sample application create this field definition with that SQL Type? When I look at the table definition in a DB browser, it has datatype text. Any ideas?