Start a 'Search' with a predefined criteria that can be changed

How can I start a ‘Search’ application (or grid with search) with a predefined criteria condition shown in the search that the user can change or complete for a more specific search?

Thanks in advance…

I would like to know the solution as well.

In your App / Search / Events / onScriptInit:

{yourSearchfield} = “yourCondition”;

by doing this :
{yourSearchfield} = “yourCondition”;

it only shown in the search , can we ask SC to exucute the criteria ?
is that posible the criteria set only for the first time ?
Example, first load the application with the default criteria, when user ‘Search’ without impact by the default criteria.
I’m stuck there.

Ok, too evident, thanks…

For somebody how wants to know, this is how to set a datetime field for today:
{datetime} = sc_date_conv(date(‘d/m/Y’), ‘dd/mm/yyyy’, ‘db_format’);
But, how can I set specials? For example ‘today’ , ‘yesterday’ or a range of dates when defaults is for ‘exact’, one value, not a range…
How can I set for a ‘Double select’ field?

Could you do it? If did can you please share the solution.