Strange behaviour in 8.0.0047

When I export a project from our 8.0.0030 to our 8.0.0047 version. We have two scriptcase servers due to the point that sc sometimes has bugs and this way we can test out new versions before sc makes serious mistakes. Anyway we export a project from 0030 and import it in 0047 and suddenly we get a php method with it with no text in there. When I click that php method sc seriously fails and jumps back to the login page… huh??
We need to delete the php method in order to have it regenerate… Odd behaviour and a serious bug…


Do you have some method in this application?
please, send the project export to email for we check more the problem.

Best Regard
Netmake team

Is already sent… We’ll await your response…

The original message was received at Mon, 1 Jun 2015 13:24:36 +0200
from [x.x.x.x]

----- Transcript of session follows -----
<>… Deferred: Connection timed out with
Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours
Will keep trying until message is 5 days old

Did you receive it? It says that you are totally unreachable…

[QUOTE=rr;37174]The original message was received at Mon, 1 Jun 2015 13:24:36 +0200
from [x.x.x.x]

----- Transcript of session follows -----
<>… Deferred: Connection timed out with
Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours
Will keep trying until message is 5 days old

Did you receive it? It says that you are totally unreachable…[/QUOTE]

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