SUGGESTION: Settings > Security > Users > Projects

SUGGESTION: Settings > Security > Users > Projects

Add the option to have — Settings > Security > Users > Applications. This would allow us to have users access to certain applications, but not the whole project.

You want to be able to allow only certain devs working on defined applications within a project? We have a 10 dev licence, never had that need…

@aducom - No. When you create a user, you could limit them to login to the web app and view only certain applications.

What Albert ask is, you mean on development (scriptcase) or are you talking about security module for your generated app?

Seems that it’d be useful for security.

You are not answering the simple question. You can generate a full working security module from the wizzard with groups, ldap and the whole lot. But that goes for the application you want to build. In scriptcase you can assign rights to modify projects to devs. To me that’s good enough.