Sun Solaris Server

I hope someone could help me on this issue:
I developed an application locally on my internal environment, Windows XP, XAMPP and ScriptCase V5. All Grids, Forms and Menues are running as planned. In the real production environment, SUN SOLARIS SERVER, the following happens: All Forms are displayed in the corrrect style (I use the predifined ScriptCase 5 Blue). All Grids and Tab Applications are displayed wrong, simply Times New Roman, no style at all. Looks as the CSS is not loaded/used for grids and tabs. All graphics are terminated with the error directory…xml not loaded. The error message is random. I assume that the basic installation of the SUN Solris environment could be wrong or defect, because on the local machine I do not see those problems. Thanks for help or recommendations.

Re: Sun Solaris Server

In case someone reads it… ;-> one of those permission issues, as many times before chmod -R 777 XXXX solved the problem.