Supported PHP version for deployment?

I am developing using SC PHP8.1 but I would like to deploy the code on a server running PHP 7.3.
Can an app generate with ScriptCase and PHP8.1 be deployed on a PHP 7.3 server ?

Hi maxi, as far as I know, it doesn’t work. You must upgrade the hosting or use previous version of SC Regards.

sorry but you are wrong.
you can use from php 7.1 to 8.1

@marcosc thanks for your message but I got a lot of errors when I tried. Regards.

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I use it without problems with version 7.2 and 7.3

SC will work, but it’s not guaranty for third party library or any code that use specific PHP 8 new functionality like union types.

Look at this option to have more info

Tips for transpiling code from PHP 8.0 down to 7.1 - LogRocket Blog

Scriptcase uses many old versions which might be the reason why it works, and perhaps you are not using things that are requiring higher versions of PHP. But if I understand it right, the next version of Scriptcase has upgraded versions of the embedded modules, and if that is the case, it will most certainly break running under php < 8. Besides, why run on end-of-life PHP?

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