Synchronize and Error Notification Not Working

i have a form for my sites table, where I have added some fields in the table using myphpadmin. I go to application synchronize to update the fields in the application. I click the confirm button and after a few seconds an Error Notification comes up:

System Error. We recommend you to send the file with the error to NetMake.

Log File successfully created:

Click on this link to send this error to NetMake.

Page with 3 queries,
SEL: 2 - DEL: 1created in 0.16s

There is no link to click. That is the first bug.

BY THE WAY - is there someplace where I can see the log message that I was supposed to be able to send?

Then the second bug is that the application does not get synchronized.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Well I understand part of the error of my ways. I should be using Database Builder to make changes to the database rather than making changes in MyPHPAdmin. When I use that approach, the sync process works properly.

Still don’t know about whether the Error Notification is working correctly or not.