Please implement synchronizing changes in table structure in grid Apps. This is such a pain to do all changes manually and adds extra time for development. I would like to see it the same way is is done for FORMS. Manual updates to the SQL statements is really against all ideology of 4GL tool.
I also do not understand the whole concept of synchronizing tables from the App property panel VS project dictionary. It seems like those are 2 completely separate entities. I would rather see one or another. If I use DICTIONARY to update the apps then all form and grid apps should get their table structure updated autmatically (without the need of any extra work). Unfortunately this is not the case at the moment. When making updates to the dB structure it is pain on the but to go back and forth between SC and SQL tables and do most of the updates manually.
If NetMake want to consider SC real 4GL tool this really has to be addressed.