Synchronizing two tables with N-N relation

Hello everyone:

I need a menu tree to the left so that when you select a node in another application show me records that contain the option that the user selected.

With the help of the forum I have synchronized two forms in a container application but the tables have a 1-N relation.

The detail is that the selected node is related by a relation N - N to the table the other application.

I have tried using WHERE statements EXIST (… or WHERE “variable” IN (… in the SQL section of a form, but I always get the error.

Is posible that I can combine multiple SQL SELECT statements in the section of a form?


Under which database?? In oracle you have a CONNECT BY with which you can represent trees.
For mysql you could check this:
There is a whole book written on this subject “Joe Celko’s Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for smarties” is the title. Maybe that will give you some extra info.